Sunday, April 25, 2010


Good morning! It's a gorgeous start to the day in Chandler, AZ. I hope it is wherever
you are, too. What are your plans for this beautiful day?

Giving and helping makes the world go round. There's an amazing discrepancy between
haves and have nots in our culture, not to mention all the people out there that just need
a little emotional support. With a ton of great causes that deserve attention, it's hard not
to have at least one that tugs at your heart strings. And I, personally, feel the need to give
back as a way of paying it forward for the things people have done for me over the years,
when I needed it most.

I've been thinking about that for months now, really. Then, New Years 2010 rolled
around, and two of my friends made resolutions to volunteer regularly. Kim committed
to doing some volunteer work once a month, and Barb said she wanted to do more. It's
something I have the time and resources to do. (The volunteer work I have done over
the years has taught me that giving a bit of time and energy can go a long way towards
making a difference.) I feel like I absolutely should be incorporating it into my life
regularly, but I've never really committed to it consistently.

It's time to rectify that situation! I prefer to under promise and over deliver, as a rule.
So, I'm starting small. I've decided to commit to doing some volunteer work each quarter,
at least. I already got a jump on it by completing two things in February and March of this
year. But I want to formerly make the commitment so I stick to it. I'm hoping to find an
outlet(s) I enjoy and to make it a habit in 2010 that I can sustain in the long term. One
place I'll go to look for ideas is

To keep myself accountable, I'll assess how I've done with this quarterly goal when I

Do you have a favorite organization that you've worked with over the years?
When it comes to volunteering, do you prefer to donate time, money or supplies?
I'm totally open to hearing your ideas and suggestions as I find my way with this.
If you hear of things in the valley, especially in the east valley, please let me know!


Angela Orr said...

Samara, It was nice meeting you yesterday. Your blog is great! Love your dogs!

carlene federer said...

volunteering rocks! great ideas for how to get started!