Friday, May 16, 2008

{Tis the Season}

It's that time of year again
where David and I dry dogs off
one to 97 times a day. Our babies
are loving it now that the pool
water has warmed enough to jump
in day or night -- for them anyway.
It's still a little cold for us, but it's getting
there. I'm thinking this might be the

The throw

Norah got that one!

Battle to the finish.

It's so hard to believe that last year this time, Norah
was such a tiny tot. (David, you've gotta look at this old
post -- how cute was she when she was a baby??) I wish
she could stay a puppy forever.


TruJen Phtography said...


I wanna be warm!

Anonymous said...

they are so cute!!!

Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

they are totally adorable...too bad they were banned from the pool today while we laid out!