Sunday, March 26, 2006

Visiting the Truman's In Michigan

One of the benefits of staying at Jim and Sandy's when we're in
Michigan is that they live 10 minutes away from one of my
very favorite people, Jennifer Truman. I look so forward to
seeing her when we go home. She and Scott are both fantastic
people in our book.

On this visit, they announced the very exciting news that they

are expecting!! It was such a treat to be hear it in person.
That evening, Scott took David to the MSU - OSU Basketball Game,
giving Jen and me some much needed girl time. D always enjoys
hanging out with Scott. We both say that we'd love to live closer
to them so we could hang out more often.

Another evening, the four of us and mom and Jim had dinner

at the Red Cedar Grill in Williamston. It was my first time there --
Loved it. FYI, they have really good carrot cake.

New friends are silver, but old old friends are gold.
Isn't that what they say? We've been friends for
11 years now. Time flies!

Until next time,

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