Wanna protect our planet in under four minutes without leaving your kitchen?
Too easy, you say.
Isn't possible, you postulate.
But it's real and so simple, a kid could do it.
it that there's such a thing as a PB&J day? Secondly, did you know the simple sandwich
That's a lot of Earth-friendly goodness in one make-you-smile meal.

Of course, one plant-based lunch isn't going to "change the world," but making decisions
actually has a powerful positive environmental impact?

It fights global warming, saves land and water, and cuts pollution. All that because it's a
plant-based lunch. Of course, it's not just a PB&J that is so Earth-friendly. Any plant-
It fights global warming, saves land and water, and cuts pollution. All that because it's a
plant-based lunch. Of course, it's not just a PB&J that is so Earth-friendly. Any plant-
based meal that you eat instead of one with meat or dairy works to aid the Earth.

The numbers are huge. Your humble Peanut Butter & Jelly saves about 2.5 pounds of
The numbers are huge. Your humble Peanut Butter & Jelly saves about 2.5 pounds of
greenhouse gas emissions, 130 gallons of water and 24 square feet compared to the
average American lunch. (Learn how here.)
That's a lot of Earth-friendly goodness in one make-you-smile meal.
Of course, one plant-based lunch isn't going to "change the world," but making decisions
that are Mother Earth approved like this add up over time. It does make a difference.
It's simple math, really. If we keep taking from the Earth without giving back to it, it's
going to become too depleted to work the way nature intends. On the other hand, if we
make sustainable decisions, it will have time to grow, rejuvenate and take care of all of us.
Will you substitute a meal with meat and dairy for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Thanks Samara! Love it, especially the smiling sandwich!
I never thought about PB & J this way. I actually heard that peanut butter has carcinogens caused by a mold that grows on the peanuts and it gets worse the longer it sits from when it was packaged. Have you heard about that??
yes, gladly i will. i freaking love pb&j.
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