Tuesday, July 21, 2009

{We had a Happy Little 4th}

I made the last minute decision to book a ticket to Ohio over the
July 4th weekend to visit Aaron (my brother) and his family.
We had such a nice time! Doing it on the spur of the moment
made it even more fun. He didn't tell the kids I was coming. So,
when we pulled into the driveway, and I got out of the car, it was
cool to watch their expressions as they put it all together.

"You came all the way here just to see us?"
"You're gonna be here to celebrate July 4th with us?"

Front row seats to an amazing fire works show.
Great meals.
Lots of giggles.
And all kinds of Independence Day fun including
adults diving for beers and kids doing a goldfish catch.

Fun, wrapped in a good time, seasoned with smiles. :)

Aaron and Pam both look amazing and are as happy as ever
together. They are totally focused on having fun and making
family and free time count. It was awesome to be around!

The kids had all grown a lot since I was there in December.
They were "in their element" -- totally relaxed and getting
along so well together, as usual.

Catherine and Meghan

Lauren and Aidan

It was fun to hang out with them.
They're pretty cool little people. :)

Until next time, Byrne-Rownd family!

1 comment:

TruJen Phtography said...

What a great time, I'm sure! Your bother and his family are wonderful people! I'm sure it was fun to watch the kids play! They love their aunt Sam so much!