Saturday, February 09, 2008

New Sink

Did a little DIY a few weekends back!
We decided it was time to replace our sink and faucet
in the kitchen -- something we've wanted to do since
we first moved in.

Here's the old, rusty one. . .

My super-star husband took it out. We decided to replace it
with stainless. (I know -- it's hard to keep clean, but when it
is clean, it looks really nice.) While we liked the black porcelin,
it didn't match our counter tops, and we thought stainless
would look good with the LG appliances we plan to get.
(Hopefully soon!)

Out with the old.

No home project would be complete without a deviation from
the plan. One of the valves broke and water GUSHED out.
That wet vac we got from D's dad saved the day again!!

Four trips to Lowe's and seven hours later, David finished
what started off as a simple Sunday project. I so appreciate

all his hard work -- I love the finished product. The sinks
are deep and it's all fresh and new.


TruJen Phtography said...

Can you say, "CHESSE"-ball! Ha, Ha, Ha!
As I was scrolling down to see your new sink I thought, Cool! Then when I saw D smiling and started laughing my ass off. He's cute, really, just totally unexpected. I needed the laugh.
Thanks! :o)

Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said... sink though! He's so handy! I believe if you and I had attempted that we'd have water shooting all over the house! COOL!

Hey...still working on those appliances. new boss in town in that dept. ours are delayed!

Anonymous said...

YOUR BLOG IS AWESOME!!!!!! I love the new scrapbook pages! Your new sink and faucet is marvelous.