Saturday, June 10, 2006

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

Hello! I'm back to blogging after a really nice trip home. Ringing in at a grand total
of twenty six days, it was my longest visit by far since we moved to Dallas in
December of 2000. David came in for 10 days in the middle of my stay, by
which time we were so excited to see each other. I only wish he could have been
there the whole time, but one of us has to work! Throughout the next several posts,
I'll share a little about what we did when we were there.
First things first, some
photos! I make no claims to being a photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures
and seeing what I can capture. Going away always gives me a chance to play
with my many new subjects to snap. I like taking pictures of people
and animals because they move, change expressions and capture emotion.
Plus, of course, pictures are like tangible memories so we can keep enjoying

them long after the fact. I felt like we got some good pictures this trip!

Following are a few I took of Reba, Jim and Sandy's barn cat. Reba's one of three
felines at the 'Phillips Ranch', and I really haven't spent much time with her before
this trip, but she was hanging out on the deck while I was outside playing with the
dogs, and the way she moved and meowed caught my eye. Cute cat!

Reba spent several minutes circling Belle and rubbing all over her
as she passed around. Belle just stood there while
Reba did her thing.

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