Friday, May 13, 2011

{My Latest Obsession & a Giveaway}

I've been making simple photo cards using some of my snapshots.

Lots and lots of them.

There's a pretty good variety in all.

It's been fun.

I made a few bundles for gifting.

One of them is top secret since I haven't sent it to it's intended just yet.

The other two went to David's mom and stepmom for Mother's Day.

Sandy received a set made of some of my favorite Arizona photographs.

The ones I made for Mary used photos I took at her cottage last summer.

I'm keeping most of the rest for myself. (I'm a big card writer.)

You didn't think I'd leave you out though, did you?

Of course I didn't. :)

I can't mail each of you a personalized note of thanks for being a reader.

But I can do little giveaways like this as a thank you for your support of my blog.

One lucky person will win a bundle with ten of my photo cards.

To enter, leave a comment on this post telling me how you feel when you get a card in
the mail from a friend or about who you're keeping in touch with. Do you have a pan pal, exchange snail mail, still believe in the United States Postal Service? Or maybe letter
writing is on your proverbial to do list. I want to hear about it. Comments will be open
until Sunday, May 15th 16th at 9AM Arizona time. Please be sure to check back on
Monday and/or leave a way for me to get a hold of you in case you win. Good luck!

NOTE: I originally posted this on Thursday but Blogger was having some technical
issues that prevented commenting and even bumped this post back into my drafts
folder. So, I'm extended the contest by one day. Sorry for any inconvenience.


alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Your cards are beautiful! Personally, I still LOVE the mail...I don't know what I'll do if the USPS switches to 5 days like they are talking about.
Great giveaway!

Wendy said...

Such beautiful cards! I love getting cards and notes in the mail. They are so much more personal than an e-mail or facebook message. It makes me so happy to see a card amongst all the piles of junk mail I get. It makes me sad that this precious exchange seems to almost be a thing of the past....

Alejandra Hernandez said...


I am a big fan of your photos and anything you make so a set of cards for me would be just great!!
Interesting enough, I didn't grow up with this nice habit of sending handwritten notes but when I moved here I discovered that it is such a nice touch. My mother in law sends a lot of notes and I think it is so classy!
How I feel when I get a personalized note on the mail? I feel happy! it makes me smile, it is a small detail that can make my day! It means that whoever sent me that note, took the time to think about me and write something and then take it to the USPS. I do believe in the USPS service by the way! they have years of working how to bring their offices up to speed. Now you can even design and order your own stamps on line! Ok, wish me luck so I can win this gift!



Holly said...

What a great idea! I love getting mail and keep kicking myself for not writing "real" letters/notes more often to my friends and family. It has become almost just a once a year thing (christmas) but I'd love to change that with great photo note cards! Thanks for the inspiration.


Wendy said...

Such beautiful cards! I love getting cards and notes in the mail. They are so much more personal than an e-mail or facebook message. It makes me so happy to see a card amongst all the piles of junk mail I get. It makes me sad that this precious exchange seems to almost be a thing of the past....

alissa said...

Your cards are beautiful! Personally, I still LOVE the mail...I don't know what I'll do if the USPS switches to 5 days like they are talking about.
Great giveaway!

Julie said...

Oh my goodness, these are fabulous! I'd like to know the specifics of how you made them. What a wonderful gift--photographs by the giver and cards that can be used for birthdays and thank-yous and everything in between.

Kristi said...

What a GORGEOUS idea!!! They are all beautiful!!

Renee Keane said...

They are stunning! I love sending cards to people. In todays age of everything texting, emailing, etc....I love sending AND receiving mail. There is something personal and intimate about seeing their handwriting and knowing they sat down with real purpose and time to send you a note. I am 1950's lady in many, many ways and I am sad to see letter writing going by the wayside so I try to send that personal note whenever possible.

What a beautiful talent you have and those cards are a wonderful way to share a feeling or moment you were able to capture:)

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

What beautiful cards!!! You really have an eye for photography, and these cards are a perfect way to share with others. I would love to win!! :)

Adri said...

I just wanted to comment on these beautiful cards you created....truly amazing. Every time I read your blog you always seem to inspire me to create or do something....I know it's too late for the contest, but I just wanted you to know.