Sunday, June 27, 2010

{Get Physical: Week Four}

I am feeling so inspired to keep up with my June workout goal as I begin week four. I'm
going to be out of town from the 24th - 27th. We have a busy weekend planned, with a lot
of people and places to see. So, the plan is to get in my five workouts before we even leave.
Time to get started ...

Day one -- Sunday, June 20th:
Took a one hour, four mile walk with the kids. I planned to go on a ten minute bike ride
when I got back, but my tire was flat. So, I did floor exercises (sit ups, push ups, stretching,
etc.) for ten minutes. Those 70 minutes were the perfect start to the week.

Day two -- Monday, June 21st:
Thirty minute walk with the dogs, about two and a half miles.

Day three -- Tuesday, June 22nd:
Prevening workout with Miss Jillian Michaels; 50 grueling minutes. That woman is crazy.
The sweat is pouring and the heart rate is .... up. Ohmygoodness.

Day four -- Wednesday, June 23rd:
Walk with the kids -- just under four miles in 53 minutes. Noticed my walking pace is
getting back up to normal. I was a little slow in the first couple weeks, but now, I feel
like I'm getting my legs back.

Day five -- Thursday, June 24th:
Four mile walk in 52 minutes. Jogged as few minutes here and there.

Five workouts done!! That gives me 255 minutes for the week.

We walked a lot in Seattle. A lot. It was wonderful. Thursday night, Friday and Saturday.
So, while I didn't count the time or distance, I know I stayed active. Good thing, since we
ate a lot and I enjoyed a few adult beverages, too. :)

Here's the disappointing part of the week -- I planned to workout at the hotel fitness center
on Saturday, but I didn't. I still feel guilty for ditching my plans. I woke up really early that
morning, and I had the energy. So, I should have done it. All day, I just wished I had that
workout in my back pocket, you know? Following through with my plans is part of what has
felt so good about getting into my exercise routine this month. So, even though I got my
five days in, I feel a little disappointed with how I ended the week this time. Again, I really
did walk a ton. So, I've justified it, repeatedly.

Ready for another week and a strong finish to the month!


Diane Baldo said...

you go girl!!

Ale said...

Don't kill yourself over things that you didn't do. For example, last week I wasn't feeling well so I walked less and guess what? this last weekend I tried some old clothes, a size smaller and...they fit!! Yeah for me! So I realized that even if I don't work out as much as I was hoping every little movement counts. Also, little by little I have realized that the more I walk the more I watch I eat, I just don't want to undo my good work you know? :)
So keep up the GREAT job you are doing!