Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have not been well.

It's been over a year since I've been sick. I mean, I've had a few headaches and an upset
stomach here and there, but I haven't been sick -- fever, chills, throat, ears, nose, cough,
etc. -- in a long time. It got me recently though, and it won't let go.

It's all David's fault, of course. He coughed his germs my way; (although, I did get
something altogether different then he had. So, there's a chance he's innocent.)

I got a sore throat on Friday and was on the couch for a weekend of let's-kick-this-rest
by Saturday afternoon. I thought I'd be good to go by Monday. Turns out, that's when I
really got sick. Monday to Thursday were not pretty -- at all. Another weekend of couch
rest was clearly in order, and again, I thought for sure that by Monday, I'd be like new.
Afterall, that would have been like five days on antibiotics. Plus, well over a week with doing nothing but nursing my germs into submission. I mean, I couldn't do anything but sleep,
watch TV and blow my nose. There was no energy to expend on anything else (except for
a little blogging which was necessary should I not die of boredom.)

Tuesday and Wednesday, I made plans with myself to get a few things done -- excited
to join the living! By noon or so both days, I was totally out of energy and painfully aware
that I wanted nothing more than to be at home in my comfies.

So, today -- nearly two weeks after catching something -- I'm back home, trying to
get better.

I haven't accomplished almost anything the whole month. My to do list and monthly goals
are altogether unattended. I have photos to edit, a career to kick off, and three very bored

And now, I think it's time for a nap.


Unknown said...

Get better soon!

Lis said...

MAN! Im sorry! Thats going around! I know SOOOOOOO many people who have been soooooooooo sick this year! and its the kind that WONT DIE! I hope you feel better!

Jenny said...

I feel ya's the mutant super bug from hell...God save the Queen. - AMR's Mom

Kristi said...

That is the worst! Was it H1N1?? Sounds like a flu of some sort??!! I had something similar a few years ago and I was wiped out for over a week, no work, nothing. Very stressful to be sick because of having so much to catch up on when you get better!
Hope you shake this thing by the weekend!

TruJen Phtography said...

I hope you're feeling better. It stinks that you are having to deal with the crud. Or as AMR puts it, "mutant super bug from hell". That part made me laugh.

Thinking of you!

Sue Thomas said...

Ugh!! Poor you, Sam!!!!!! I've been struggling with bronchitis for three weeks now and I've never been this unproductive in my life!! Wishing you a much speedier recovery!!!

elizabeth said...

hope you're feeling better! being sick is the worst. :(