and memory makers. I wanted to take a minute to thank all the people in our lives
for their friendship and love in the last year. You make our world a better place by being
in it! All of us over here at Link Adventure wish you a very Merry Christmas ...
It's been a weird holiday season for us this year. The cherry on top came yesterday when I
finally had to concede and admit I am really sick. I was in bed all day yesterday, getting up
only occasionally for fluids, medicine or snacks. I managed to have some face time with my
brother (thanks to Apple) and drag my sick soul into the shower and get ready by 11AM
today. Not breaking any records!
But in keeping with the holiday streak I'm on this year of blogging myself in or with silly
seasonal accessories -- I snapped a photo with my $1 reindeer headband today. :)

Merry Christmas!
I'm determined to get well, and I have a stock pile of medicine to help me do it.
And, of course, the best medicine of all -- puppy love!
So, please have a safe and happy holiday! Enjoy each other and the season in good health
and boundless joy. Cheers!
Damn girl. I wish I looked that good when I was sick. Heck, I'm perfectly healthy and still resemble a poop sandwich more than anything else right now. Dang.
Ha, ha, ha! Well, thanks. It was a short lived moment of brightness. I'm dragging ass after taking a shower and getting ready. I was in bed for like 24 hours right before taking this, and trust you me, I didn't look like this at that time. :)
Um, I have to say... who looks like that when they're sick. You should see my sorry ass when I don't feel good. I don't look like that! :) You're gorgeous. Love you. Miss you. IT'S ALMOST YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!
Happy Holidays Sam! I hope you feel better soon.
I agree! you looked great for being so sick, and love the last picture, those two love you so much.
Thank you so much for the card, love to have pictures of you my friend.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (today is your birthday!)
I've been meaning to tell you:
-Thanks for the Christmas card! You did a really nice job putting it together! All the kids look cute, as always, and the block design has nice flow. The pic of you is my favorite although Norah is a close second!!! :o)
I'm so sorry you were sick on Christmas. That totally blows! But I do have to agree with everyone else, Who really looks as good as you do when they're sick? The fact that you were strong enough to even run a brush through your hair makes me wonder, is she faking it?? Just kidding! I love you!
Well, I missed your birthday and I'm truly sad about that. I know you're not feeling it right now but the world still needs to celebrate one of its greatest!
I love you girl! I celebrate you!!!!
Hope you had a nice Christmas, Sam! Very nice Christmas card, hope all is well ;)
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